Post: Vivet presenting during the 1st Annual Optimizing AAV Safety Summit in Boston – Sept. 6-8, 2022

Post: Vivet presenting during the 1st Annual Optimizing AAV Safety Summit in Boston – Sept. 6-8, 2022

Vivet will be attending and presenting during the 1st Annual Optimizing AAV Safety Summit in Boston.

With hundreds of clinical trials using AAV currently underway, it has never before been so important to create and implement an effective AAV safety strategy. Improving prediction of AAV toxicity, accurately monitoring potential safety signals, extracting safety data from non-clinical & clinical studies to streamline AAV safety processes and safeguard patient outcomes, are all reasons that bring key leaders together.

There will be 2 sessions with Jean-Philippe Combal, CEO and Co-Founder of Vivet Therapeutics:
1️⃣ Jean-Phillipe will chair a workshop “Demonstrating Appropriate Toxicity & Safety Data to Gain Regulatory Approval of AAV Therapies” and will answer key challenges by putting forward:
👉 Real life case studies from key companies demonstrating how they progressed their own AAV programs, including best practice for IND submissions and phase I – III clinical development programs.

2️⃣ Then he will present during “The lessons learned from Clinical Trials to Enlighten Development for AAV Gene Therapies” session with Katherine High, President – Askbio and Eric David, CEO – BridgeBio
👉 Lessons learned from both successes and setbacks (such as clinical holds) to improve gene therapy development moving forward

And on the 2nd day of the conference, Gloria Gonzalez-Aseguinolaza, Chief Scientific Officer & Co-Founder of Vivet Therapeutics will also participate in 2 sessions:
1️⃣ Gloria will present “Strategies to Overcome the Action of Neutralizing Antibodies Against AAV” focused on several strategies under investigation to overcome this first barrier and unwanted side effects, and

2️⃣ Gloria will take part on the panel “Designing an Appropriate Immunosuppressive Regimen to Minimize Impact of the Immune Response to Administered AAV Therapies”. Key questions will be answered such as:
👉 The best methods to circumvent the activation of both innate and adaptive immune response to the protein capsid, vector genome and transgene product to ensure no SAEs and reduce risk of clinical holds.