Vivet will be attending and presenting some new and exciting results from its different programs and platforms this week at the upcoming ESGCT congress in Edinburgh.
2️⃣ presentations planned:
🩸Key data about seroprevalence of anti-adeno-associated virus 3B neutralizing antibodies in an international cohort of 200 healthy donors. These results will be presented by Blanche Tamarit (P515; Oct. 12, 7.30-9pm)
🐭 Nick Weber will present new preclinical data about our product VTX-803 for PFIC3 demonstrating the importance of testing in multiple systems prior to selecting final AAV candidates (P114; Oct. 13, 5.30-7.15pm).
🧬 Vivet’s CSO, Gloria Gonzalez-Aseguinolaza, will co-chair the “in vivo gene therapy & immune responses” session (Oct. 11 – 5-7.15pm; Lomond Suite)
For more details: